Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Last Sunday President Bush agreed to release the records of his service in the National Guard. However, the White House has been very selective in what it has released. For example, they have refused to release Bush's medical records, except for his dental records. This suspicious behavior seems to have finally awakened the press, who are now investigating both Bush's time in the National Guard and what happened to his service records.

Dave Moniz and Jim Drinkard of the USA Today are reporting that:

"As Texas Gov. George W. Bush prepared to run for president in the late 1990s, top-ranking Texas National Guard officers and Bush advisers discussed ways to limit the release of potentially embarrassing details from Bush's military records, a former senior officer of the Texas Guard said Wednesday.

A second former Texas Guard official, who spoke only on condition of anonymity, was told by a participant that commanders and Bush advisers were particularly worried about mentions in the records of arrests of Bush before he joined the National Guard in 1968, the second official said."